Out of Clutter, Find Harmony
Samatva Sutra meaning the ‘Thread of Harmony’ / ‘Position of Equanimity’ is a place where we can look at various aspects of life in its natural balance and harmony.
When the pendulum of life leads us to extremes of thought, belief, and action, we aspire to stand resolute in balance. We offer this balance and harmony to you.
Here is a Therapy Center in Whitefield, Bangalore where you can find unconditional acceptance of your present and a road map to your most compelling future.
Thus, this is an offering of a space of balance, clarity and most importantly acknowledgment of who YOU are.
The resulting therapy with gentle but clear guidance, will open new windows or bring about breakthroughs, hope, and direction. Read More.
Angelic Reiki is a healing process that totally envelops the recipient in the perfect and boundless Love of the Divine.
Hypnosis is an altered awareness to heal in positive ways to release the energy blocks and experience shifts in beliefs and patterns of thinking and behavior.
An approach to communication, personal development and change to enhance the overall performance by taking control over the emotional state.
What can we do to bring this equanimity back into our society and our communities?
Holding on is not the nature’s way. By being present to what is happening, nature is fully immersive in the flow of events.
I would like to share something which we always think about but are never able to comprehend completely – KARMA.