Samatva Sutra – Our Beliefs

Samatva Sutra Wellness Center Whitefield Bangalore Logo

Samatva – Concept of Equanimity. In the Ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, from where the word originates, the root of the word is ‘Sama’ meaning Equal or Even – and here we take this to mean ‘in equal consideration towards all human beings’.

Sutra – is a ‘note’, a ‘sacred thread’, or a ‘collection’.

Samatva Sutra meaning the ‘Thread of Harmony’ / ‘Position of Equanimity’ is a place where we can look at various aspects of life in its natural balance and harmony.

When the pendulum of life leads us to extremes of thought, belief and action, we aspire to stand resolute in balance. We offer this balance and harmony to you.

Our approach to achieve this will be through time tested and recognised interventions like Hypnotherapy, Angelic Reiki, Wellness Coaching, Bach Flower remedies, and Energy Healing among other therapy modalities.

Our blogs will also share the principles behind these interventions and also of  Vedanta, Ancient Wisdom, Western Mysticism and Modern Thinkers and Healers that resonate with Samatva Sutra.

The world today offers innumerable information, knowledge and points of reference. Each person, institution, religion, state or country has its story – joys and sorrows that this world has witnessed, catastrophes suffered, and countless belief patterns formed. All this constant noise brings clutter to our mind. We tend to get carried in this flow without stopping to reflect or reason. We react, judge, opine too quickly, and limit our expectations of ourselves.

So here is a place where you can find unconditional acceptance of your present and a road map to your most compelling future. On this road, if there are any issues which is creating disharmony or roadblocks in your life, we offer life changing solutions through therapy.

This is an offering of a space of balance, clarity and most importantly acknowledgement of who YOU are. The resulting therapy with gentle but clear guidance, will open new windows or bring about breakthroughs, hope and direction.  

Your gracious presence is acknowledged and you are welcome to leave a comment, and share your thoughts.

We look forward to engage with YOU!


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